Title: The Chaos
of Stars
Author: Kiersten
Publisher: Harper
Publication Date: September
10, 2013
Genres: YA,
Fantasy, Romance
Reviewed by: Ellen
Ellen’s rating: 5/5
Isadora's family is seriously screwed up—which
comes with the territory when you're the human daughter of the ancient Egyptian
gods Isis and Osiris. Isadora is tired of living with crazy relatives who think
she's only worthy of a passing glance—so when she gets the chance to move to
California with her brother, she jumps on it. But her new life comes with
plenty of its own dramatic—and dangerous—complications . . . and Isadora
quickly learns there's no such thing as a clean break from family.
A book featuring Egyptian and Greek gods is bound to
jump the cue to the top of my reading list and The Chaos of Stars was no exception. The day when Isadora, daughter
of two immortal Egyptian gods, realized that she wouldn't inherit her parents' immortality,
was a pivotal point in her life. How could she form lasting relationships and
commit herself to a romantic interest if she wasn't going to live forever?
The captivating beginning of this book ensnared me so
thoroughly that I read through The Chaos
of Stars in one day. If the start of the story was excellent, the rest of
the book certainly didn't disappoint. There is a highly interesting,
well-researched bit of history of the Egyptian gods in the beginning of each
Isadora’s dreams and visions of past events turning
into darkness serves to crank up the suspense. Although Isadora is rebellious
where anything to do with her mother, Isis, is concerned, she is by no means
She has a deep desire to make friends, form permanent
relationships and follow that tantalizing romantic possibility called Ry.
Unfortunately, the knowledge that, unlike several of her siblings, she isn't immortal,
keeps her from making a commitment. Geeky, stunningly good looking Ry, however,
isn't about to let her slip through his fingers.
Although this book is a tale filled with action,
suspense and a healthy dose of humor, it also looks deeply at some profound
questions about life, living and mortality.
The Chaos of Stars is a thrilling,
suspenseful tale of tasteful romance, with a whole lot of wisdom and an ever
present touch of humor. If the ancient gods and their confusing, often dysfunctional
families, interest you, this book should be a must-read.
I'm the New York
Times best-selling author of Paranormalcy and Supernaturally. I also give the
most awkward hugs in the world. You should probably opt for one of my books
over one of my hugs, but then again, maybe you like awkward hugs.
As for me, I like writing flirting scenes, and fighting scenes, and sometimes I write scenes that fall somewhere in between the two, but only if I can't avoid it.
As for me, I like writing flirting scenes, and fighting scenes, and sometimes I write scenes that fall somewhere in between the two, but only if I can't avoid it.
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