Wednesday, October 17, 2012

REVIEW: "THE DOLL" - by J.C. Martin

by J.C. Martin

REVIEWED BY: Books4Tomorrow


The Island of the Dolls is a strange and eerie tourist destination in Mexico, where hundreds of decomposing dolls hang from trees like grisly Christmas ornaments. On a trip to the island, Joyce Parker's daughter falls in love with a beautiful but sinister doll. Soon after, she starts developing strange mannerisms that concerns Joyce. Her research into the doll's past reveals a dark history, and the curse of a lonely child spirit.


Being a huge fan of horror books and horror movies, the cover and title of this novella had me breaking out in goose bumps even before I started reading it. From the very first page to the chilling finale, “The Doll” was an excellent read. The author consistently maintains a sinister feeling of foreboding throughout the story, and in the span of a few pages, manages to tell a frightening tale filled with interesting little details and solid characters. I found the plot slightly predictable at times, but the conclusion of the story more than made up for it with its disturbing and unanticipated ending. A worthwhile read for sure!


“The Doll” by J.C. Martin has 32 reviews on GoodReads. Read it here.


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