“A RUSH OF WINGS” (Book One of The
Maker’s Song)
by Adrian
Set in the brooding New Orleans area long
established as the best location for all things vampiric, Phoenix's lively
debut has it all: Rogue [FBI] agents, Bureau-ordered hits, mad-scientist
experiments in psychopathology, vampires and fallen angels and a slicing-dicing
serial killer. Smart, sexy FBI Special Agent Heather Wallace has been trying to
catch the Cross-Country Killer for three years when the trail leads to New
Orleans and Club Hell, where Dante Prejean performs with the Inferno, an
industrial/goth rock band. Dante is a Cajun and a born vampire whose memories
of his terrible past have been erased, leaving him vulnerable to the
psychopathic killer, E, who knows all that Dante has forgotten. As E begins
targeting Dante's loved ones, Heather must swallow her skepticism and work with
Dante's vampiric friends and family to save him. Phoenix alternates romantic
homages to gothdom and steamy blood-drinking threesomes with enough terse,
fast-paced thriller scenes to satisfy even the most jaded fan.
by Adrian
“An eye for an eye is
never enough.”
Kallie Rivière, a Cajun hoodoo apprentice with a bent for trouble,
learned the meaning of those ominous words when hoodoo bogeyman Doctor Heron
targeted her family for revenge. Now, while searching for her still-missing
bayou pirate cousin, Kallie finds out the hard way that someone is undoing
powerful gris gris, which means that working magic has become as unpredictable
as rolling a handful of dice. The wards woven to protect the Gulf coast are
unraveling, leaving New Orleans and the surrounding bayous vulnerable just as
an unnatural storm—the deadliest in a century—is born. As the hurricane powers
toward the heart of all she loves, Kallie desperately searches for the cause of
the disturbing randomness, only to learn a deeply unsettling truth: the culprit
may be herself. To protect her family and friends, including the sexy nomad
Layne Vallin, Kallie steps into the jaws of danger . . . and finds a loup
garou designed to steal her heart—literally.
“A Rush of Wings” by Adrian Phoenix has 247 reviews on GoodReads. Read
it here –
“Black Heart Loa” by Adrian Phoenix has 64 reviews on GoodReads. Read it
here –
As a writer, a person, and a mother, I’ve always believed in following
your dreams, following your heart. It’s also important to keep your
heart, so I also believe in being prepared for zombie attacks and can’t stress
enough the importance of having regular family drills so every member of the
household is zombie-ready. One never knows. Make sure the sofa is ready to push
in front of the door. Be clear that if a member of the family is on the wrong
side of the door when the zombie action goes down. They remain on the wrong
side of the door. The greater good, etc.
I live in Springfield, Oregon in a zombie-free home (except when meeting
deadlines) with four cats, Amiga, Diabla, Keats, and Ember and have two sons
and three grandchildren and two granddogs. I’m the author of The Maker’s Song (A
Rush of Wings, In the Blood, Beneath the Skin, Etched in Bone) and Hoodoo
series (Black Dust Mambo, Black Heart Loa) and short stories.
Q: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
A: Oh, it started when I was a kid, with my love of reading, of books in
general. But by the time I was twelve or so, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I
wrote short stories for fun all the time, sharing them with my sisters and my
friends and my teachers. By the time I was in junior high, I was in love with
Q: What inspired you to write your first book?
A: Up until I wrote A Rush of Wings, I’d written only short stories. Don’t
get me wrong, I wanted to write a novel, but at the time I felt like novel
writing had to be complicated , a mysterious process that only the initiated
understood. Kind of like the Freemasons of verse. LOL. So, basically, I let my
own fears stop me. Then I attended a story structure workshop taught by Dean
Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, two pro writers that I deeply respect,
and I learned that I was so wrong.
Novel writing is not complicated nor mysterious and you don’t
need to be initiated into the club via an arcane ritual. All you have to do is
write a story. It’s a bigger story, yes, but it possesses all the
characteristics of a short story—a character in a setting with a problem—but
with more arcs. Duh. Angelic choir in the background. Light bulb over my head.
So simple. Tell the story. I went home and started on A Rush of Wings.
Q: How
many books have you written? Which one did you enjoy writing the most?
A: I have written seven novels so far. Six of those are for the two series
I have with Pocket, the seventh is a humorous urban fantasy novel (very tongue
in cheek) that I plan to e-pub under a pen name because it’s so different from
what I usually write. It’s short and funny. I’m working on book five for the
first series right now, then on to book three of the second series.
The book I enjoyed writing the most was A Rush of Wings. It
was purely for myself and I was pushing all boundaries and exploring. I enjoyed
the process very much.
Q: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in
your writing?
A: My plots tend to be complicated with multiple sub-plots, so as the
series progresses, it becomes more of a challenge keeping straight who knew
what and when and how. LOL. I’m now keeping a bible to make all that a bit
easier. Also with nightkind (vampires), Fallen, and loups garous (werewolves),
the scent of smell is a highly attuned sense, so included in that bible is how
each individual smells—the personal scent that identifies them. Annie smells
like cigarette smoke and vanilla, for example.
Q: Are there any new authors who have grasped your interest?
A: Sad to say, I’m usually so busy that I only have time to read at
bedtime, so I’m way behind on new and exciting work coming out. My TBR pile
keeps growing because I keep adding to it. LOL. I haven’t had a chance to
discover new authors yet, though I have some of their work in my ever-growing
Q: Who are your favourite authors and what is it that really
strikes you about their work?
A: I love Stephen King, for one. His characterization captured me from
book one. He makes his characters three-dimensional (even the villains) with
flaws and ideals and hopes and fears.
I also love Patricia
Briggs for the same reason. I love her Mercedes Thompson series. Briggs gives
readers a female protagonist who is warm and loyal, who fights for those she
cares about, and although she’s a shapeshifter, she has limits and knows them.
Mercy is someone you would want as friend.
Rob Thurman—I adore her urban fantasy Cal Leandros series
(talk about compelling stories and fascinating, riveting characters!). In fact,
she has two other series and a stand-alone paranormal thriller coming out soon.
She never disappoints.
Jeri Smith-Ready, her WVMP vampire series and her YA
paranormal series are both great. Again, compelling stories with
three-dimensional characters. Actually all of her books are well worth picking
I also love reading
James Lee Burke, Janet Evanovich, Elmore Leonard, Kristine Kathryn Rusch,
Jeaniene Frost, C.S. Harris, I know there are more, many more, but my mind is
currently drawing a blank. Dammit.
Q: Do you ever experience writer's block and how do you deal
with it?
A: Not writer’s block, per se, but I have had dealings with falling into
critical mind set. When that happens, it can stop my progress cold. It’s when
you slip out of creative into critic mode. You can’t write while in
critic/editor mode. It stifles creativity and saps your confidence. This is
crippling for a writer. When it happens,
when the critic takes over and my work slows to a stop, I take a deep breath,
then mentally gag and duct tape the critic and toss it into a closet. Then I
keep start moving forward again, allowing the creative to flow down into my
fingertips again.
I have to remind myself whenever the urge to edit, back up,
or delete comes over me: Just keep moving forward. You can fix things during
revisions. You need to lay down the story bones completely before you can go
back and add in muscle and flesh. Dare to be bad. Let the creative genius flow
and trust yourself.
My advice for all writers (including myself) is this: Write
only for yourself. Screw perfection—nothing is perfect. TRUST YOURSELF and GET
OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. Keep it fun. Listen to your heart, not your inner critic.
Q: What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an
A: A tough question! I have so many interests and I’m not sure what would
make an ideal career. Nursing might be good (I worked in a nursing home
previously as a certified nurse’s aide), working in the FBI’s behavioural
sciences department would be intriguing (I was majoring in psychology in
college), I think being a bartender would be fun and fascinating, I love
animals, so working at a shelter would be another choice too.
Q: If you were to do your career as an author again, what
would you do differently, and why?
I think the only thing I would do
differently would be to have faced my novel-writing fears and doubts sooner.
Much sooner.
Q: What
do you like to do when you're not writing?
A: I
love to read. I also love to go watch movies at the theatre. The whole buy a
ticket and popcorn thing is something I’ve enjoyed since I was a kid. I enjoy
hiking and hanging out with friends. I love road trips and riding the train to
different cities.
Q: What are your current projects and can you share a little
about it with us?
A: I’m currently finishing up book five of The Maker’s Song series, On
Midnight Wings. It picks up where book four, Etched in Bone, leaves off with
both Dante and Heather in dire situations. Here’s a little bit about it:
Dante Baptiste’s true identity as both True Blood and Fallen ripples throughout
New Orleans, he and Heather struggle for their lives against different foes,
fighting their way back to each other. To free herself from her father’s
treachery, Heather accepts help from an ally—and steps into even greater
danger. Dante, lost to his brutal past, wavers between his own sense of self
and the Bad Seed-programmed S that lurks within, between the never-ending Road
and the Great Destroyer. And the danger of becoming both.
Then it’s on to book three of the Hoodoo series featuring
fiery Cajun hoodoo Kallie Rivière, Black Moon Mojo. I’m also planning another
series about a pair of brothers who aren’t quite human fighting the forces of
evil, called Sons of Darkness. It’s like Sons of Anarchy meets Supernatural
meets Call of Cthulhu. LOL.
Q: Do you have any advice for other writers?
A: Always
trust yourself and follow your heart. Discipline is important also. Sit your
butt in the chair and write every day, even if it’s only for fifteen minutes. You’ll
make progress each and every day. And have fun doing it!
Thanks so
much for having me! It’s been a real pleasure.
can read a chapter from the book that opens The Maker’s Song series. Here the first chapter of A Rush of Wings.
also have my first indie published short story “Caught Forever Between” up on Smashwords, Amazon, and
It’s a tale set in the bayou world of my Hoodoo books, but you don’t need to
read the books in order to enjoy the short story.
can also find me at:
“A Rush of Wings” –
Barnes & Noble –
“Black Heart Loa” –
Barnes & Noble –
Adrian Phoenix has generously offered to give two lucky winners each a
printed copy of their choice of ANY one of her books!
Each series in order:
The Maker's Song:
- A Rush of Wings
- In the Blood
- Beneath the Skin
- Etched in Bone
The Hoodoo series:
- Black Dust Mambo
- Black Heart Loa

All you have to do to
enter the giveaway:
1. “Like” the Adrian Phoenix
author page on FB and comment on her page with “Books4Tomorrow sent me” - Facebook Fan Page.
2. Join this blog using GFC.
3. Leave a comment on this
post with your email address where we can contact you if you are one of the two
lucky winners, as well as the book you would like to win!
The giveaway is open internationally.
The winner will be selected using
Giveaway ends Saturday, 11 February 2012
Good luck!!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I would like to win Black Dust Mambo
Facebook: Thilde Koll Espensen
GFC: Koll
Contact me on: Thildeespensen@live(dot)dk
Thanks for the giveaway! I would like to win A Rush of Wings!!
Facebook / GFC: Maegan Morin
megnate at telus dot net
Awesome giveaway! Thank you for the chance. I'd love to win A Rush of Wings
Hi Awesome. Id love to win the book Etched in Bone please I can be found at Thanks to the author for thi great giveaway!
I would love to win Etched in Bone. Thanks for the chance.
I commented on Facebook as Aprille Shadowspeak and I follow this blog on GFC as LadyVampire2u.
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
Thank you! I would love to win "A Rush of Wings"
Sally H
oops I forgot to use my Google account and posted anonymous.
Another great interview Adrian!
I would love actually love Caught Forever Between :)
I left a message for her on FB(I'm treelanka)and my email is srena789 at yahoo com
Thanks, Serena. But you should've received a copy for being on the street team. If you haven't received your latest street team update, check your junk mail to see if it landed there. I sent y'all PDF copies.
Great interview Adrian. I totally understand how your TBR pile is getting bigger mine is a whole bookcase double stacked LOL....
I am looking forward to OMW and cannot wait.
Love and Hugs
Do not enter me in the contest I have Adrian's books.
Wow! Putting on TBR list now. Thank you so much for introducing me to Adrian Phoenix, my fellow Oregonian. LOL
I'd have to choose Black Dust Mambo. Sounds like a good start!
GFC: Sebrina C
Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com
Very cool interview. Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions, Adrian. It's always great to listen to what other authors have to say.
GFC: Bridget Bowers
ttfntig73 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.
I just added to my "to be read" pile. Thanks! delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo
So glad you enjoyed the interview, Annette! I think I'd start to panic if my TBR pile dwindled too much. LOL.
Love and hugs!!
Sebrina, Bridget, and Delphina, thanks so much!! I appreciate your support. Always good to hear from another Oregonian, Sebrina. ;)
forgot to tell you i would like Black Dust Mambo thanks again!
The Hoodoo series
Thank you so much for the post on Facebook alerting me to this giveaway, or I would have totally missed it! Adrian is a new to me author - and writes books that I really love to read! Especially series...SQUEE!!
I live in the Pacific Northwest too - in Washington State, and love it here!
I'd love to know if Adrian's characters wake her up in the middle of the night, insisting on being heard right then and there? lol
Thanks so much for the giveaway chance!! If I were to win, I'd love to begin with A Rush of Wings! =D
GFC robertsongena
Facebook Follower Gena Robertson
Twitter follower mystchevia
Gena Robertson
thank you! Shared you on Facebook too!!
cablegoblue(at)charter (dot) net.
I really enjoyed the interview; new to the genre but liking what I've read so far. Thanks for the chance to win! I'm interested in A Rush of Wings. --Melodie
Please enter me in the draw, and thanks for the giveaway!
Ack! I can't decide!! Both series sound amazing!! I think I'll have to go with...A Rush of Wings.
GFC Darlene
FB - Darlene's Book Nook
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Black Dust Mambo :)
GFC - Roxy Kade
FB - Candice Scrooby
Thanks so much for dropping by and joining in y'all! I appreciate the support.
Mandy: You're welcome!
Blackroze: LOL.
Gena: My characters haven't awakened me, but they have kept me from falling asleep. LOL. I also dream about them, so maybe they're making their voices heard in my dreaming subconscious.
MickC, Melodie, Darlene,& Roxy: Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! This is awesome.
GFC Julie S
FB Julie Smeltzer
Looking forward to reading some of your books.
Great giveaway!! nonieh96 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the iterview and I'd love to get “A Rush of Wings”, adding these books to my TBR list :)
Irene Mikhaylova
iren_mikhaylova (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk
Hi Great giveaway.
I'd love Beneath The Skin
Have liked fb page and GFC -Rachel Simons
Great giveaway.
email... itlnbrtfanfic (at) att (dot) net
Whoo hoo!! *runs to check falsely spammed email*
I fan her FB page and said you sent me
I follow your blog.
I would love to win A Arusha of Wings
clenna at aol dot com
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