Saturday, December 3, 2011

SHOWCASING: "Have A Nice Weekend" - by Ian Ellis

by Ian Ellis

'Have A Nice Weekend' is less the story of two hearts breaking as of time running out ….

It is the sound of marital negotiations breaking down.

Women will read this book and think, “Exactly! I only want to be noticed, to be loved, to be considered …. It doesn't take much …..”

Men will read this and go, “God, I've done that! How many times has she done that to me? By what right …..?”

Whatever the requests Will agreed to comply with and then didn't, he is miserable now.

Abi was his first girlfriend. When she said she loved him, he was taken by surprise but kind of agreed. They got married, but she made all the arrangements for the wedding.

When she became pregnant, it was because she decided it was time and stopped taking precautions, but Will thought Sophie was the most beautiful baby in the world when she was born.

However time, stress and misunderstandings took their toll, and now they live apart.

Now for the big questions - what have they learned? Does Will care enough to try to put things right, and does Abi care enough to let him?

WARNING: Some offensive language.

Of all the reviews I've had on Amazon, I think this one from Gerry McCullough sums the book up the best: (author Ian Ellis)

"Ian Ellis has given us a book which is brilliantly funny, with a host of excellently drawn minor characters (from the racist Mr Patel to Andy in 'the music business' and on) as well as the convincing major ones; and one which is also amazingly realistic. The teenage Will, reluctant to wear shorts in the heatwave because he's only recently stopped wearing short trousers, and isn't a child any more, is a portrait which we can all, male or female, empathise with. Then there is Will the young bank cashier ashamed of his boring job when trying to pick up girls; and the adult Will, trying to eke out his small amount of money for cigarettes and food to survive until the end of the month - these are all the same character, at different stages of his life, and we quickly get to know him and identify with him. Later in the book, the details of his marriage and its breakdown are equally vivid and realistic. Ian Ellis has a gift for creating the telling detail and the accurate reaction. 
This is a book which manages to be light and amusing at the same time as being realistic and full of serious truths. Highly recommended!"



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I’ve been an avid blogger and reviewer since October 2011. It has changed my life in so many wonderful ways! I’ve met other reviewers ...